Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rex E. Lee Memorial Run at BYU

Yesterday, Angie, Britt, and I walked/ran our first 5K. (A 5K is approximately 3.1 miles.) We had a lot of fun! We walked the uphill and flat stretches and ran the downhill ones. Our time when we crossed the finished line was 38 minutes. Pretty good for only running about 1 mile of the course. We are very pleased with ourselves.
I received an email about the run a couple weeks ago. The thought of participating in this event made me kind of excited. I decided that I never donate anything to charity, so this was the time I was going to make my contribution. I thoroughly enjoyed every second I spent thinking about, preparing for, and participating in this event.


Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Brittney is Bloggin'?! What a great world this is! Can't wait to see more!

Two Ladies and No Baby said...

Cute ladies. I love how Brit and Ang are hard core.