Wednesday, April 30, 2008

BYU Graduation

Well, I did it. I'm all done and graduated. What an experience BYU was! I'm glad I had the opportunity to attend such a stellar university.
(I was looking through my pictures and came across some from my high school graduation. So, I thought I'd share those as well. I wonder if I've matured at all. Enjoy!)
Karissa, Katie, and me (May 2003)

Katie and me (April 2008)

Mom and me (May 2003)

Mom and me (April 2008)

Before Commencement (notice the snowflakes)
[Katie, Lincoln, me, Raymon, Dan, John, and Veda]

Processing in to Commencement (snowflakes, again)
[Raymon, Veda, Lincoln, John, me, and Katie]

The girls that kept me sane and made my life easier
[Randi, KT, me, and Rachel]

Best parents

1 comment:

Hallie said...

way to go! I love that you put your high school grad pics up too. You are so beautiful btw.